Sunday, February 16, 2020

Efficacy of institutions in the global system Research Paper

Efficacy of institutions in the global system - Research Paper Example This denotes the significance of international institutions, such as International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Trade Organization (WTO), and World Bank in helping countries respond more to the challenges of globalization (Milner 836). This paper attempts to demonstrate the significance of international institutions to enhance the economy of various countries. It also provides evidence that these multilateral institutions have a valuable impact on the economy of developing nations. Role of International Institutions The primary goal of International Monetary Fund (IMF) is to help improve the economy of less developed countries by providing them with short and long term loans at low interest rates. The institution has been active in delivering this role which is evident in the various programs that it has successfully implemented in over sixty developing countries in 2000 alone. Moreover, the mission of World Bank was also to support the growth of less developed nations and to help them overcome the financial crisis. This goal was efficiently carried out through the provision of grants and loans at zero interest to poor nations especially in Africa. In fact, over 50% of the fund of World Bank for 2003 went to projects in the nearby countries of Sahara. On the other hand, the mission of World Trade Organization (WTO) was to enhance bilateral partnerships among countries and to encourage them to adopt trade liberalization as an effective strategy for enhancing their economy (Milner 836). The WTO has successfully performed this mission which is evident in the emergence of various multinational companies in developing countries. These giant companies significantly contribute to the economy of emerging countries through the creation of jobs. This was revealed in the study of Greenaway and Wright on the effects of trade liberalization in the economy of developing countries. The findings showed that liberalization of trade policies and entry barriers has a significant po sitive impact to the economic growth of less developed countries (229). Impact of International Institutions on Economic Growth The WTO plays a significant role in enhancing the value international trade of its member countries. For instance, Rose conducted a study on whether or not WTO together with its previous counterpart (Generalised Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) has been effective in promoting the value of international trade among its 175 member countries for 50 years. Through the analysis of the gravity model, the study revealed that WTO has a direct contribution for doubling the value of trade among member nations (98). In addition, Subramanian and Wei also conducted a study on whether or not WTO has a significant impact on the trading condition of its member countries. Their findings revealed that WTO provides a significant positive impact on trade which translates to 120% marginal increase for 2000. However, the study revealed that the positive impact of WTO is not evenly achieved by its member countries. In addition, increase in bilateral trade is high when each partner nation adopt liberalization while countries without trade liberalizations did not acquire trade increase. The World Trade Organisation (WTO) plays a significant role in creating and enforcing relevant trading rules across different countries. This has been supported by various research showing the relevance of WTO in

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Symbiotic Relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Symbiotic Relationship - Essay Example Essentially, this relationship puts emphasis on giving equal effort, since the long-term survival of the above relation leads to both parties surveillance. Coen narrates that ascoglossan placida is herbivorous algae and weakens the abundance and existence of placida on codium. Hitherto, here the placida is an example of a crustacean that protects the codium from predation, hence, symbiotic relation. Eventually this leads to more production of the algae since it reduces the predation of placida on the algae. Ultimately, the algae get protection from placida. Notably, he argues that even though ascoglossanas predates on the seaweeds, molluscan acts as a conservative factor and undergoes stimulation by the non-food algae. Amusingly, polyps cannot move away from their home, which is limestone, and so they feed stagnantly during the night. Zooxanthellae are water algae that live in the tissues of polyps, and usually use the available sunlight to make food. Surprisingly, the shape of coral s results in their surrounding (Coen, 1988). Strong or even weak waves can deform corals’ shape. Eventually, the rising of the coral forms a lagoon, which will fall forming a toll, which becomes molluscan shelter. Glynn, in his book entitled â€Å"Herbivore by crabs and the control of algal epibionts on Caribbean host corals† is herein concerned with how corals provided shelter to crustaceans. That epiphytes provides shelter by giving a cool and moist microhabitat in the presence of low tides in the sea. As much as providing of shelter is met, this epiphyte has many branches that provide security to the small slugs, hence, safe from predation (Glynn, 1983).Anemones, which are sea inhabitants, do relate with the corals. Anemone fishes relate symbiotically with the clownfish whereby the tentacles of the anemone make a good refuge with the fishes in conjunction with its eggs. On the other hand, anemone fishes behave as scare parasites, like butterfly fishes, from their ho st (Lassig, 1977). Moreover, bryozoans usually encrust the reefs by cementing the reefs using their branching colonies on the skeleton of the reefs. A variety of worms, like the polychaetes and the flatworms, find a good home in the reef. Furthermore, crevices in the reef make a critical home for flatworms. Ecosystems consisting of reefs form a diverse environment that inhibits different species collectively. Similarly, Stachowicz puts emphasis on the same shelter relationship and briefs that the ascoglossan’s gets the benefit of refuge and so gets shelter from the epiphytes (Stachowicz, 1999). Stier notes that red snapping shrimps, alphes armatus and the bartholomea annulata have a good symbiotic nature whereby the bartholomea annulata although habitats in shallow water mutual relationship is essential. Since the b.annulata have powerful jaws, they tend to scare the predators against cnidarians, while on the other hand the cnidarians provide shelter to shrimps. Apparently, a well-known example of the crustaceans is the shrimps and the crabs. The mechanism that the crustacean has for protection over its predators is as below: skeleton, which is very hard and has the name carapace, is primarily the organism’s body armor. This keeps away hungry predators that have the ability to bite on them. Periodically, moult phase is the only time that crustacean may be exposable to attack. Lobsters and crabs have a set of gigantic pincers that protect them from predators. In addition, the lobster has a tough biting claw that usually protects it from other animals’ attack, human being inclusive. Stachowicz, J.J narrates the relationship of the Alpheus lotteni with the corals pocillopora damicornis. Symbiosis relationship here is evident as