Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Personal Development self -managemnt and reflection Assignment

Personal Development self -managemnt and reflection - Assignment Example Section 1 There is a number of skills that one need to posses in order to successfully go through the Higher Education system. One of the most important personal skills that one should have is organizational skills, this skill is very important because it assist an individual to plan wisely and manage time well and bit any deadlines set .Having organization skills illustrates that one has a high level of intellectual ability and thus in a position to undertake a higher education course in any field. Determination is yet another skill that a student pursuing higher education should posses, determination is the zeal to keep on working hard until one achieves his/her goals ,.Determination will enable student to focus on achieving his career goals . Communication skills are needed to promote teamwork and collaboration, leadership skills and research skills ,without communication skills a student may not be in a position to smoothly carry out their business around the university .In moder n world the use of information technology and knowledge in numeracy is a must for any student pursuing higher education more over, a student should have problem solving skills, be in a to improve own learning and performance and should practice self discipline. Individually, I understand that I have some weaknesses in some of the skills mentioned; in particular I have gaps in organizational skills, zeal to improve my own learning and performance and I also have poor communication skills. Section 2 Action Plan for Academic skills needed to be attained Skill Target Action Timescale Success Criteria Recourses Organisational skills Excellent organizational skills Have a workable time table in place Become committed to my school work Time management Practice free and effective communication Listen to others Exercise leadership skills 6 months Neatness and clarity in my work Beating of deadlines Excellent grades Fellow students Lecturers Reading material Improving my own Learning and Perf ormance Excellent all round performance Consultation Teamwork Hard work Commitment Motivation 6 months Improved performance Involvement in most activities Reading material Fellow students Family Lecturers Communication Skills Excellent communication skills Stay focused Listen carefully See the point in other people messages Ask for assistance if needed Practice clarity 4 months Improved teamwork Excellent listening skills Excellent organisational skills Improved performance Reading material Fellow students Lecturers Action plan for the four subjects to be covered during the program Subject Target Action Time Frame Success Criteria Recourses Subject one to four Perform exemplarily in the respective subjects Get the core units Understand the topics Visit libraries and other resource centers Carry out in depth research on the subjects Submit all assignment on time Practice teamwork with class mates and lecturers During the course duration Good performance Good communication skills Libr aries, the internet , Fellow students Lecturers Section 3 Topic 1 Understanding this topic was easy for me, this is due to the exciting lecturer we had, and the lecturer was amusing besides being very knowledgeable. I ensured that I would not miss nay lecturer ,personally ,this topic has assisted me to develop my communication and interpersonal skill due to the high level of involvement

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